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Challenges in data labels

Challenges in data labels

less than 1 minute read


I here list some different challenges in data labels that I encountered in the past and ways to model them.

Communities detection

Cosine similarity

Graph Neural Networks


Predict unit-level LoS using time-series modelling

3 minute read


We propose to a dynamic, real-time, lightweight, end-to-end next day median ED-LoS prediction algorithm using time-series LSTM modelling. Similar method can be extended to unit-level KPI prediction.


Multi-task learning and Multi-Modal learning

2 minute read


Multi-task Learning solves multiple tasks at one time, while exploiting commonalities and differences across tasks. Multi-modal Learning integrates and processes multiple types of data in one framework.

Multi-Modal Learning (MML)

Multi-task learning and Multi-Modal learning

2 minute read


Multi-task Learning solves multiple tasks at one time, while exploiting commonalities and differences across tasks. Multi-modal Learning integrates and processes multiple types of data in one framework.

Multi-Task Learning (MTL)

Multi-task learning and Multi-Modal learning

2 minute read


Multi-task Learning solves multiple tasks at one time, while exploiting commonalities and differences across tasks. Multi-modal Learning integrates and processes multiple types of data in one framework.

Signal processing

Sparsity ML

Stochastic Block Models


audio signal processing

automatic start






contrastive learning

cool posts

dynamic time wrapping

gradient zero crossings


one-class classification

predictive model

Predict unit-level LoS using time-series modelling

3 minute read


We propose to a dynamic, real-time, lightweight, end-to-end next day median ED-LoS prediction algorithm using time-series LSTM modelling. Similar method can be extended to unit-level KPI prediction.

signal processing

task scheduler

time series

Predict unit-level LoS using time-series modelling

3 minute read


We propose to a dynamic, real-time, lightweight, end-to-end next day median ED-LoS prediction algorithm using time-series LSTM modelling. Similar method can be extended to unit-level KPI prediction.

turning points detection

unit-level Length of Stay(LoS)

Predict unit-level LoS using time-series modelling

3 minute read


We propose to a dynamic, real-time, lightweight, end-to-end next day median ED-LoS prediction algorithm using time-series LSTM modelling. Similar method can be extended to unit-level KPI prediction.

unsupervised learning