luoluo’s personal website (resume) work samples


$\bullet$ Customized AI algorithm development service.

$\bullet$ Algorithm Innovations in Artifical Intelligence (AIAI) for various applications and signal modalities

What is the importance of Algorithm Innovations in Artifical Intelligence (AIAI)? Just like customized made suit fits better to individual person compared to factory made suit, algorithm innovations provides customized algorithms to practical complex problems without a standarized text-book solution from off-the-shelf algorithm packages.

New Demos:

Text search and keyword summary for powerpoints: repo.

Chat-GPT assists programing and debugging

Audiences cheering speech removal: original video with audiences cheering, and the processed video that removes audiences cheering.

Use cases: enhance music sounds, de-identification purposes for sensitive data

Annoying alarm noise removal demo with the comparison of clips from original and processed video.

New Algorithm Innovations:

MSAR: interpretable framework to identify comorbidities associated with ED and in-patient recurrent visits 1-page Summary

Keywords: interpretable ML and, top-X factors identification method

Application area of this paper: ED, inpatient recurrent patients

blogs are about data science and machine learning.


Original card design. Best wishes to the year 2022. Copyright protected.

Experience Summary: Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering and M.S. in Applied Mathematics and Statistics from Johns Hopkins University; working in healthcare industry for about $4$ years.

8 years experience in Algorithm Innovations in Artificial Intelligence & Signal Processing, ~20 AI algorithm innovations, 3 patents and 4 grant proposals;

Various signal modalities: natural image processing, medical image processing, radio frequency signals, physiological time-series (vitals, labs, ECG, impedance, Co2), audio signals, Electronic Health Records;

Theoretical machine learning works on topics of emsamble methods in sparse optimizations.